Nuisance management & health

Adobestock 498357402@ Retouche

Because they depend on their environment to live, human beings are sensitive to their living spaces. At Egis, we work on improving air quality and health and hygiene conditions, as well as your thermal, aeraulic, acoustic and vibratory conditions.

Maintaining the high quality of our living environments.

The design of buildings, cities and facilities in general plays a major role in people's well-being. Providing a healthy and pleasant environment, creating comfortable and healthy conditions in all buildings, across our transport networks and in all living spaces is essential when we are developing our regions, and is something on which the construction sector is increasingly focused.

Our areas of expertise:
  • Air, odours and health
  • Environmental and architectural acoustics
  • Vibration management
  • Environmental monitoring
  • Post-accident prevention and management
Adobestock 422525531

ACOUSTB – a specialist subsidiary

We can support construction professionals in the acoustic and vibratory design of their project: building, infrastructure, industry and regional development. ACOUSTB is in the top five acoustic design offices in France.

Activity management.

Catherine Jatteau
Catherine JatteauEnvironment & Energy Director
Christian Coste
Christian CosteDirector of Air, Odors and Human Health
Maxime Jabier
Maxime JabierACOUSTB Director